Culture Secretary announces roadmap for theatre industry


It has been met with some criticism from arts leaders but the Culture Secretary, Oliver Dowden, has finally revealed a roadmap to get the performing arts sector back on its feet again.

The five-pronged attack is said to be similar to that assigned to elite sporting events, which has already seen some “success” and Dowden, along with the cultural taskforce, believes these steps provide a “clear pathway back” to having live performances with audiences once more.

Whilst the plan has been welcomed, he has still failed to provide dates that venues and organisations can work towards. Also more vitally, there has been no further mention of the cash rescue package that Dowden previously pledged.

The roadmap has been outlined as follows:

Step 1. Rehearsal and training (no audiences and adhering to social distancing guidelines)

Step 2. – Performances for broadcast and recording purposes (adhering to social distancing guidelines)

Step 3. Performances outdoors with an audience plus pilots for indoor performances with a limited distance audience

Step 4.  Performances allowed indoors / outdoors (but with a limited distanced audience indoors)

Step 5.  Performances allowed indoors / outdoors (with a fuller audience indoors)

The first two steps are currently permitted with an example of Step 2 seeing Claire Foy and Matt Smith starring in a series of socially distanced performances of the 2019 hit play, Lungs, in a bid to raise essential funds for the Old Vic. From this evening (26 June), they will perform to an empty auditorium, but live streamed to a paying online audience.

Considering Dowden classes the arts as “the soul of our nation and a lynchpin of our world beating creative industries”, it would be great for this to be echoed in practical measures to support the industry at the toughest time we have ever experienced.

Watch this space, Besties! We might be taking baby steps but we will be back, albeit a little battered and bruised, but stronger than ever.


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