Review: AMERICANA: A MURDER BALLAD, Assembly - Edinburgh Festival Fringe

It may like seem, at times, you can make a musical about almost anything, and you would be forgiven for initially thinking that about Americana: A Murder Ballad. 

It’s a musical about gun crime in America. Not the lightest of topics but told from the point of view of the young protagonists, it contains hope and understanding. Morna Young’s writing is fresh and poignant. 

Trapped in a murder ballad they cannot escape, with a gunman lurking on every corner and in their dreams, it’s like a violent and bloody Groundhog Day. This is Americana. How can they break the ballad that traps them?

The production is an ensemble piece, even though we learn each individual’s stories, and the cast are impeccably strong throughout with outstanding vocal harmonies, storytelling and musical talent.

With every company member being born post-Columbine, never knowing a world without school shootings and active shooter drills, it brings home just how serious the problem with gun crime has become in America.

This production brings an understanding to situations that can lead to teens committing these shootings and how, as a collective society, it is possible to prevent these situations escalating and how the violent and heart-breaking cycle can be broken for a better future.

Americana: A Murder Ballad is a must-see musical for any theatre fan, with its memorable songs and its unmitigated and honest narrative.

Comprehensive, engaging and topical.

***** Five stars

Reviewed by: Rachel Louise Martin

Americana: A Murder Ballad plays at Assembly Checkpoint at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival until 17 August, with tickets available here.


Review: DRAG QUEENS VS ZOMBIES, Gilded Balloon - Edinburgh Festival Fringe


TOP HAT and GYPSY to play The Mill at Sonning as part of 2022-23 season