Review: Paul Ettore Tabone - THIS IS ME studio album

Paul Ettore Tabone

Paul Ettore Tabone is perhaps best known for appearing in Love Never Dies and playing Piangi in The Phantom of the Opera. However during lockdown, he has been busy compiling his own album This is Me.

Born and raised in Australia, Paul fell in love with singing at an early age and pursued his love by attending the Central Queensland Conservatorium of Music, where he graduated as a Bachelor of Music. He was then invited by Signora Nicoletta Mantovani (wife of Luciano Pavarotti) to perform in memoriam for Pavarotti and celebrate the 100th year birthday of Verona Arena. 

Through the Luciano Pavarotti Foundation, he met and forged a working relationship with music producer, arranger, and composer Robin A Smith, and This is Me is a product of their relationship. 

This is Me is a classical crossover album. To look at the track listing, an eclectic list of songs have been chosen, but they have all been selected by Tabone as they mean something to him. The songs reflect who he is, where he comes from and the people/places that matter to him. This makes the album a more powerful and emotional listen; ‘I Am Australian’ being a prime example of this. You can tell that his Australian heritage is important to him by its inclusion on the album, but he also sings the first verse in aboriginal language to pay respect to the first people of his country.  

During his version of ‘I Am Australian’, he not only sings in Aborigine and English, but he also sings a verse in Italian. Whilst understanding the premise that Italians have also made their homes in Australia, as it is only one verse, it feels a little out of place. It may have given a stronger message being kept in the former two languages. 

The opening of the album and the lead single is a cover of ‘Heaven (Paradiso)’ by Bryan Adams. The song, which was his mother and father’s wedding song, is very meaningful to him and is beautifully sung in Italian. The lilting and rhythmic qualities of the Italian language lend itself well to making this song very romantic. 

The way the album is sequenced allows for very mellow and calm listening. We are treated to three Italian choices, bi-lingual versions of ‘Per Sempre’ and ‘I Am Australian’, before rounding the second half of the album off with a mix of Italian and English songs. All of the songs are recognisable, even if you are not fluid in Italian, and the album has clearly been thought out and derived in a heartfelt and personal way. 

Paul Tabone has produced an album which is packed full of personality and that compliments his outstanding singing voice. It is rich with smooth tones and versatility that manages to cover high opera and Disney. He is undoubtedly a very talented man. 

****’ 4.5 stars

Reviewed by: Emma Littler

The album is available to pre-order now here, with a release date of 6 March 2021.

Emma Littler

Emma has a 9-5 normal job, but in her spare time is all things theatre! Having been a stage manager through school and now with various Drama societies in Norfolk. She loves the feel of the adrenaline rush when the lights go down and she has to open the curtains for the first time.

Emma loves musicals having seen 47 different shows 75 times! Her favourite being Come From Away. Other loves include painting, baking and sport.

She has also recently turned her hand to writing village pantomimes.


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