Review: Jack and the Beanstalk Online, Belgrade Theatre Coventry

Photo credit: Chloe Ely

Photo credit: Chloe Ely

Now that tiers have been implemented across the UK, many pantomimes have had to be postponed but thankfully, this isn't the case for Coventry. Their panto was filmed weeks ago in a TV studio, to be broadcast into the comfort of your own living room. Oh yes it is! Jack and The Beanstalk is available until 31 December.

I adore the tradition of pantomime. There's something brilliant about how it brings people together, and even people who may not be regular visitors to the theatre will make sure to see a panto once a year. It's magical and seeing it on my TV this year didn't take any of that magic away. This is thanks to the wonderful writing of Iain Lauchlan (The Giant, The Dame and Fairy Fluff), who is returning for his umpteenth panto in Coventry. I can't imagine how odd it must be, writing a panto without an audience. Yet here it is, wonderfully paced and well executed with material catering for ages 1 to 100.

Both Lachlan and Craig Hollingsworth (Simon, Fleshcreep and the King) take on multiple roles throughout the piece, both wonderfully using this as a way to get jokes in that wouldn't be possible on a stage. There are also many references making light of Covid-19 (or 17 and 3/4 in this village!): a two metre long cow, for example, and a leader who may or may not know what he is doing (very familiar for us at this point). The chemistry between the pair is evident as they have worked together in panto every year for many years.

The cast is rounded out by Morna MacPherson, Arina Ii and Trish Adudu who play Jack, the Princess and Mrs Blunderbore respectively; brilliantly bouncing off of Lachlan and Hollingsworth, and the mayhem they create.

This is a lovely piece of entertainment that brings panto to the masses who won't be able to experience it this year and once again, I must commend everyone involved for persevering with the restrictions and creating this piece of entertainment for us, many of whom (including myself) are still locked out of theatres and entertainment venues.

All this being said, I long for the day I can return to watch Coventry's pantomime at its home, The Belgrade, once more. Next year I'm sure. But for now, Jack And The Beanstalk fills the panto-shaped hole I feel in my heart this Christmas and I'm sure it will yours.

To book tickets, please click here.

**** Four stars

Reviewed by: Callum Wallace

Callum Wallace

Callum Wallace is a lifelong fan of all things Theatre! Although he's currently studying stage management, he's no stranger to performing on stage as well, with credits such as The Dentist (Little Shop Of Horrors) and Macbeth in Macbeth. Callum also presents a weekly radio show called The Sound Of Musicals!

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