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Review: AS YOU LIKE IT, The Watermill Theatre

Photo credit: Pamela Raith

“It is not the fashion to see the lady perform the epilogue; but it’s 2021 so let’s change how things are done” declares Rosalind (Katherine Jack) as the performance draws to a close. 

There is a wonderful balance throughout The Watermill’s whole open-air production - of progress and traditionalism, of change and of stasis. On reading the programme before curtain up, it is clear that sustainability has been placed at the very heart of this piece. The set and costumes are all recycled or reused from other productions, and there are many indicators around the venue of the steps being taken to reach the goal of being carbon-neutral by 2030. It is exciting to have a glimpse at what will surely become the new norm for theatres going forward. 

Shakespeare’s original text is used throughout the play, with a delightful smattering of modern songs, performed live by the cast. At the top of Act Two, the audience are encouraged to join Orlando (Ned Rudkins-Stow) in singing “Sweet Rosalind” to the tune of ‘Sweet Caroline’, an enjoyable, comical moment which the audience were only too pleased to be a part of. The use of live music throughout the piece provides a delightful and often surprising interlude, with song choices ranging from Mumford and Sons to The Beach Boys! Pieces of the set such as empty oil drums are also used to great effect to create a Stomp-style underscore for some of the more dramatic moments of the show.

The cast do an admirable job of telling the story, with stand-out performances from Katherine Jack playing Rosalind, and Emma Barclay who brings a delightful comedy to the role of Touchstone. The play builds to a wonderful climax in the final scene - the multiple wedding and ‘happily ever after’ for all of the characters, and is portrayed as a demonstration, complete with placards, for not only climate change, but gender and racial equality and LGBTQA+ rights. These very relevant social issues could have felt clunky against a Shakespearean backdrop, but are incorporated in such a way that makes the audience feel sure that were Shakespeare around today, he too would have been “Totally woke”!

A thoroughly enjoyable evening of theatre, leaving the audience with much food for thought, along with some very catchy earworms! Sweet Rosalind anyone?

**** Four Stars

Reviewed by: Sarah Brown

As You Like It runs until Saturday 24 July. To book tickets, please click here.