Producer’s Point of View: Expect the Unexpected

Producers Point of View

"Is there any other business to discuss?" The question at the end of every production meeting, and also the question where the beads of sweat start to drip. As you look around the room, you can already see a frustrated Designer who's been told the design is too expensive so something needs to go, the exhausted Production Manager who has been up until 4am trying to make some technical element work in theory that the director really wants, the bored Composer who's in attendance but hasn't had anything to bring and whom no one has asked any questions of. 

Then comes the Director's question: "Yes I have a question...can I hang someone? In the show I mean." 

The tension mounts as the Producer is thinking "how much is that going to cost?" The Production Manager is thinking "how can we make that work technically?" The Designer is thinking "how much more of my budget will get cut in order to make that happen?" And the Composer is still thinking "can I go now?"

As a Producer, you learn to expect the unexpected and this is different with every show, every venue and every team. There are just some things you don't expect to have to deal with.

A show I worked on recently needed a giant bird skull to be made. I was already in London for meetings so I volunteered to pick it up and bring it with me to the regional theatre we were working in. The prop wasn't finished being painted and treated until 10pm, far too late to be driving four hours to the venue. So off I go to a local hotel, but of course I can't leave a giant bird skull in the car overnight.

"Checking in?" "Yes that's right, don't be alarmed but I shall also be carrying a large bird skull through the hotel foyer and into my room for the night. I assure you it's for a show." So I end up sharing a hotel room with said prop.

I've had a leading man with an allergic reaction to his digs, the wagon broke down miles away from the theatre on a tight deadline, technical breakdowns and much more. You never know what to expect, but that's all part of the thrill. It makes for difficult situations initially but fantastic stories for years to come.


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