Interview: Anna-Jane Casey on stepping into female MC role at MAGIC MIKE LIVE

Conceived and directed by Channing Tatum, Magic Mike Live is an unforgettably fun night of sizzling, 360-degree entertainment based on the hit movies.

We spoke to the new female MC at Magic Mike Live, Anna-Jane Casey, who stepped in last minute to cover their female MC who had an injury, after only one week of rehearsal. Anna-Jane will be part of the cast for a limited time.

Magic Mike Live has quickly become a West End staple over the years, but tell us a bit about what the show is and your involvement in it.

Having been at the show now for a couple of weeks, I can honestly say, it's a completely different experience to anything else I've ever been involved with! The men are the most incredible dancers and gymnasts (it's not just male strippers!) and an audience member last night actually said to me, "I didn't know I'd be seeing phenomenal choreography and amazing aerial work in the show", which is exactly what I thought when I first was offered to join the team. My role is to guide the patrons through 90 minutes of beautiful men doing amazing things and being part of their experience. Of course, the incredibly toned torsos and tight buns makes it a brilliant place to come to work!

What was your first encounter with Magic Mike and Magic Mike Live?

I knew of the films and had seen the first one, but I honestly had no idea what to expect when I was asked to come on board. The Hippodrome has created a brilliant space for the show so wherever you sit in the custom built theatre, you'll see fantastically skilled humans looking stunning and everyone who leaves is guaranteed to have had a fab night.

What was it like to learn this show and perform it so quickly?

I only had 9 hours rehearsal before I went on for my first show and, I don't want to give too much away, but when I got onto the stage and heard 300 screaming women, hyped up and ready to watch these gorgeous men, I just had to feed off their excitement and off we went! I did my 10th show last night and it was the first one where I felt like I was in control and I had a wicked time. But my blood pressure is still through the roof 5 minutes before we start!

This is a very different type of show to those you've done before. How have you approached finding and establishing your 'character' for this show?

The character of the Female MC is just to be "one of the ladies" and let the audience know that you're as hyped up and having as much fun as they are and once you see Myles and Manny in their tight pants, there's no acting required!!! I'm literally just AJ having a great night....

With such a varied career so far, what are some of your career highlights so far?

Career highlights for me have to be singing at the BBC Proms with the John Wilson orchestra, in fact my kids know that Mummy's happy place is standing in front of a 90-piece orchestra in a big frock belting out some Jerry Herman show tunes...but I have to say that when we did Cabaret on New Years Eve of 2021, and John Legend and Chrissy Teigan were sitting 2 feet away from me as I performed the song ‘Married’ was pretty surreal. A Grammy winner was close enough for me to touch and for a girl from Lancashire, that blew my mind!

And what might still be on your theatrical bucket list?

As for my theatrical bucket list, I'm just happy if the phone rings and that's the absolute truth! As a woman in her 50's, I've been very lucky to still be able to "get in the room and be seen" for jobs as we sometimes become invisible as we get older. So I'm waving the flag for middle aged mums who can still belt a top E and jump into the splits. although I'd still sell a kidney to be able to do a show on Broadway (hahahaha!)

Who would enjoy Magic Mike Live and why should people come and see the show?

Magic Mike is for anyone of any gender who's over 18 and wants to enjoy an evening of amazing choreography and spectacle in a brilliant theatre, that serves you cocktails straight to your table, and also where you're treated with the utmost respect by the front of house staff whilst looking at some stunning men. What's not to love?!

Magic Mike Live is currently booking at London’s Hippodrome Casino until 5 January 2025, with tickets available here.


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