Fringe review: ARCADE, Summerhall

The experience begins with high anticipation as you stand before the arcade, expecting an engaging and fun storyline. However, it quickly becomes clear that this is more of a survival challenge than a narrative-driven adventure. This realisation hits hard when we were killed within the first minute, but you might make better choices as each person lives a different story based on those.

The setting in complete darkness, combined with the surround sound system in the headphones, creates an intense and immersive atmosphere. The constant barrage of voices whispering and shouting instructions, threats, and pleas adds to the disorientation. The underlying message seems to be clear: trust no one. The environment is chaotic, with people either urging you to kill someone or trying to kill you, making every moment feel like a matter of life or death.

One of the most intriguing aspects is the interaction mechanism: a single button that you press to answer "yes" to a question, while not pressing it defaults to "no." This simplistic approach adds to the tension, as you have only one second at making a decision, which could have dire consequences. Death in our case.

However, the narrative feels a bit chaotic and disjointed. While the concept is undoubtedly strong, the execution falters in a few areas. For instance, there was a moment when we were waiting for our colleague who had gone to the bathroom, and we found ourselves questioning the purpose of such intense immersion during something as mundane as a toilet break. It felt like the experience's pacing could have been better managed to maintain immersion even during these unavoidable interruptions.

Overall, the arcade experience presents a unique and thrilling concept with a lot of potential. The dark, immersive environment and the survival challenge are gripping, but the chaotic narrative and some execution flaws hold it back from reaching its full potential. With some refinement, this could be an exceptional and unforgettable experience.

*** Three stars

Reviewed by: Beatriz Do O

Arcade plays at Summerhall until 26 August, with further info here.


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