Catfish The Musical to stream live concert performance to online audiences

Catfish The Musical

The concert performance of dark comedy musical, Catfish, will be streamed online via Broadway On Demand and Stream.Theatre on 31 October and 1 November, it has been announced today.

Earlier this year, Paul Taylor-Mills produced the original concert performance with a cast of rising stars following its album release to great success. Then during lockdown, 17 West End stars came together to showcase the musical by performing covers from the album.

The show was created and composed online by complete strangers, Willy Mukendi and Joseph Purdue; only meeting for the first time on the day of the album rehearsal.

Mukendi said: “We have been so fortunate to have received consistent support from conception stages, right up until professional performances. During lockdown we, like many others, have had some opportunities cancelled and others postponed. One thing that never changed was our creative process. We have grown so accustomed to communicating online that nothing really changed creatively during lockdown for us. Creating this show online with a cast our size felt impossible at times, so we are so thrilled that we were able to continue and now provide this digital experience for those who weren’t able to get tickets.”

Tickets are on sale now here, with a portion of each ticket sale will be donated to Industry Minds.


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