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Casting announced for upcoming shows KLIPPIES and AI at Young Vic

Casting has been announced today for two upcoming Young Vic productions, Klippies and AI.

Bola Akeju and Elizabeth Dulau will star as Thandi and Yolanhi in Klippies, Jessica Siân’s coming of age drama which follows two girls working through unfamiliar feelings and dealing with the guilt of their country’s legacy as they grow up in Johannesburg. The piece is directed by Genesis Future Directors Award recipient Diyan Zora and will run from 4-13 August. 

AI, created by Genesis Fellow and Young Vic associate director Jennifer Tang and company, will see Waleed Akhtar, Tyrone Huggins and Simone Saunders collaborating to create a new work using the deep-learning system GPT-3 to generate human like dialogue and speech. 

GPT-3, described by David Chalmers, Professor of Philosophy and Neural Science at New York University, as ‘one of the most interesting and important AI Systems ever produced’, has demonstrated an ability to generate prose and news articles indistinguishable from those written by a human. AI will see a new piece of work created over a series of evenings, based upon a script prompted by artists and produced by GPT-3. AI will run from 23 to 25 August. 

Tickets for both productions can be purchased here , with priority booking opening today and public booking tomorrow.