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National Theatre Wales, Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru and August012 join forces to co-produce multilingual space odyssey PETULA

Photo credit: Matthew Wright

National Theatre Wales and Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru are teaming up to tour a brand-new production across Wales in Spring 2022. 

Petula, a dark and surreal comedy adventure, is an extraordinary play by Fabrice Melquiot, which has had a multilingual adaption by director Mathilde Lopez and her Cardiff-based theatre company August012. The script, translated by celebrated Welsh writer Daf James, will mix Welsh, English and French. 

The story follows teenager Pwdin Evans who is pushed to breaking point by his parents, step-parents and the weight of teenage worries, decides to escape reality by launching himself into space in search of answers and his missing cousin, Petula. 

The play focus upon the themes of body image, bilingual households, relationships and the problems blended families face, topics which are identifiable with by many young adults. The role of Pwdin will be played by Dewi Wykes, with soul-folk singer Kizzy Crawford playing Petula, they will be accompanied by Tom Mumford, Sion Pritchard, Clêr Stephens  and Rachel Summers as the parents and step-parents. 

Director Mathilde Lopez said: “I am thrilled to delve into the incredible world of Melquiot with such a brilliant team of actors and theatre makers and wrestle with the magic and horror of teenage years. 

“What a joy to be allowed to explore these fragile times in all their beauty, absurdity and complexity with the full trust and support of National Theatre Wales and Theatr Genedlaethol”

The show will mark the second time that National Theatre Wales and Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru have united for a production following 2015’s 150, a multi-platform experience focussing on Welsh settlers in Patagonia. 

Petula will open at the Sherman Theatre in Cardiff in March 2022 before it goes on to visit theatres in Aberystwyth, Bangor, Llanelli, Milford Haven, and Newport before it ends its tour at Theatr Brycheiniog in Brecon on 8 April.

For more information, please click here.