Turbine Theatre to stream adult panto Cinderella The Socially Distanced Ball online

Cinderella Turbine Online

The Turbine Theatre’s critically-acclaimed adult pantomime, Cinderella: A Socially Distanced Ball, will be available to stream online from Wednesday.

Marking the venue’s first ever adult panto, the show stars Oscar Conlon-Morrey, Rufus Hound, Debbie Kurup, Scott Paige, Sean Parkins and Daisy Wood-Davis and is written by Jodie Prenger and Neil Hurst, with direction by Lizzy Connolly.

Disclaimer: this show has an age rating of 18+ and not for the faint-hearted or those easily offended by smut!

Cinderella: A Socially Distanced Ball Online will be available to stream online from 16th December – 1st January and tickets can be purchased here.


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