Steps confirm brand new musical set to their music is in development


Following a recent radio interview with the band, it has been confirmed that a brand new musical featuring the music of Steps is in development.

The group were quizzed initially about rumours of a musical called One For Sorrow – The Musical, telling Princess Diana’s life story set to their music…. They confirmed that they were not affiliated with this.

However, band member Lisa Scott-Lee did confirm that they are working on a musical, fully endorsed by the group.

She said:“We’re in the planning stages, so I can’t say too much but we’ve always said if there was going to be a musical, we would want to endorse it, it’s our music, we’re the ones that have been singing it for 23 years…We love Steps and we care about it, we want it to be done in the right way”.

It would be a tragedy if this didn’t happen, Besties!!!!!


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