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Fringe review: WOVEN, Nine Muses Theatre Co - Edinburgh Festival Fringe

Seven women attend a wake, only to discover that their lives are all mysteriously intertwined and they must untangle the threads. Inspired by Homer's classic tale of The Odyssey, Woven tells the story of women coming together as the truth comes to light.

Directed by Molly Kinnon, with music directed by Lavie Rabinovitz, this is an all-female cast telling a story of empowerment and acceptance.

Jessa Smith Campbell plays Penelope (and is also composer). She has a commanding air to her performance and great vocals. The songs are pleasurable to listen to, if not particularly memorable on the whole. Eleanore Frances as Athena gives a good, strong performance as she tries to keep the peace between everyone as explanations are made as to why they are all there.

It's a good idea for an adaptation of a Greek classic that shows the power of women but perhaps if the musical aspect was stronger, it would leave more of a mark on the memory. Good performances all round, but lacking something to give it the wow factor.

*** Three stars

Reviewed by: Rachel Louise Martin

Woven plays in the Forest Theatre at Greenside @ Infirmary Street at 1.45pm until 26 August.