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Fringe review: UPSTART! SHAKESPEARE’S REBEL DAUGHTER JUDITH, Maddy Mutch Productions - Edinburgh Festival Fringe

Imagine if Shakespeare had a daughter who had inherited his wit and creativity. Imagine she was a feminist long before her time. Imagine if someone finally gave her a voice?

Written by Mary Jane Schaefer, Upstart! Shakespeare's Rebel Daughter is a retelling of the life of Judith Shakespeare. Surviving the loss of her twin brother Hamnet and neglected as nothing but a footnote in her father's will, she refused to conform to social expectations of her gender. But what were to be the consequences of her actions?

Directed by Alexandra Spencer-Jones the staging is split between the story being told and the elderly Judith filling in the details from her 'present day'. Rachel Kitts plays the young Judith; she is a strong protagonist and a likeable storyteller. Luke Millard plays William Shakespeare; he fits the role well and is a commanding male figure in an otherwise female story.

A special mention must go to Becky Sanneh who plays Emilia Lanyer and Susanna Shakespeare. Appearing comfortable in two very different roles, she has a good stage presence and she's definitely a talent to watch out for in the future.

The costume design is a little distracting as most items are ill fitting and this does shift focus but overall, the performance is interesting and moves at a reasonable pace. The introduction of music in the style of the time is nicely interspersed between the dialogue and keeps us within the atmosphere of the Shakespearian era.

'Though she be but little, she is fierce'.

A durable tale.

**** Four stars

Reviewed by: Rachel Louise Martin

Upstart! Shakespeare's Rebel Daughter Judith plays at Big Yin at Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose at 12.10pm until 27 August.