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Review: THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG, Belgrade Theatre (UK tour)

From its premiere at the Old Red Lion Theatre London in 2012, The Play That Goes Wrong has continued to gain momentum. In 2014, it arrived at the West End’s Duchess Theatre where tickets are currently available until 2022. Now it embarks on another national tour, starting at the beautiful Belgrade Theatre in Coventry. 

The show really begins 10-20 minutes before the official start time. Here we get to see the entire cast, including understudies, as they piece the set together ready for the play to begin. This is the first hint of what is to come, with mantles refusing to stay in place, stage management doing final touches and the eradication of the fourth wall, whereby the performers often interact with the bemused audience.

As the lights go down, we are introduced to Chris (Tom Bulpett), Director of the Polytechnic Drama Society. This is a momentous occasion, the first full blown play with sufficient actors to play each role. The opening tableau encompasses a feeling that anyone who has been to a poor amateur dramatic or school production will recognise. The awkward glances at the audience, the excitement and pride of the actors and the audience praying that all goes right for their loved one or friends up on the stage. As the title suggests, everything that can go wrong, does go wrong.

The Play That Goes Wrong is a masterclass in slapstick and farce. Silly and chaotic, the murder mystery is merely a backdrop for the physical comedy that ensues. Each of the characters embody a type’ of actor that all regular theatre goers will have witnessed at some point. Laura Kirmans ‘Annie’ is the vocal projector. All lines delivered with the full force of the diaphragm, emphatically pronounced and each gesture big and well placed.  Tom Babbage excels as Max’, the interpretive actor, each line with a representative movement. Babbage’s movement is explosive and gymnastic and yet doesn’t miss a beat or line. Each word is as clear as a whistle had they propel themselves to extraordinary heights in the name of interpretive delivery. 

There are many poignant moments throughout the show that will leave your mouth on the floor in disbelief, belly laughing to the pit of your stomach and slightly confused as to how situations are entered or resolved. That being said, it isn’t and won’t be to everyone’s taste. Some of the jokes can be quite repetitive and at times, you’re ready to move on but the gag continues beyond the levels of comfort. You will leave the theatre having been entertained as there is something to accommodate everyone’s taste and type of humour; at times the mirth within the audience is enough to carry you and ensure a good time is had by all. 

**** Four stars

Reviewed by: Alanna Boden 

The Play That Goes Wrong plays at the Belgrade Theatre Coventry until 18 September before continuing to tour until November 2021. To book tickets for select venues, please click here.