Review: THE HOUSE WITH CHICKEN LEGS, York Theatre Royal - Tour
Photo credit: Rah Petherbridge
The House With Chicken Legs, based on the novel of the same name, is a fantasy inducing new musical based on the old tales of Baba Yaga and Slavic folklore.
In this production, you are transported to the world of Marinka, her Grandmother “Baba” and their house which, as the title suggests, has chicken legs (quite literal chicken legs at one point during the production). You are transported around the world with the pair of them, meeting new characters along the way and learning about the different lives they both lead, or wish to lead in Marinka’s case.
This new musical has a great underlying message throughout about identity and finding your own unique self and is tinged throughout with references to current news/affairs, with the Frozen reference going down very well with the younger members of the audience. The production has a very eccentric feel to it as if its come straight from the stages at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, however could easily transpire into a very successful run in the West End.
Marinka, played magnificently by Eve de Leon Allen, is a great character whom you instantly warm to and have a sense of empathy for, yearning for a very different life than what their grandmother seemingly seems to have chosen. Baba, played by the brilliant Lisa Howard, is the perfect free-spirited grandma that everyone wishes to have. Lisa, in the role, is warm, funny and her comedic timing is perfect. The two together are a perfect match, and compliment each other and their characters superbly.
A massive shoutout must go to the other four members of this small cast – from playing a huge array of instruments, to handling puppets and transitioning between roles through the production, this cast may be small in size but their talent is plentiful. A special mention goes to Dan Willis who perfectly manoeuvres the puppet for Jackdaw – to which you almost forget Dan is there! Being a small cast means that there is little room for error as you all rely on one another, but the bond and trust that this cast have is impeccable and comes across very well to the audience.
The set is also relatively small for what seems to be a huge production – the house itself is incredibly impressive, being moved on several occasions which can’t have been an easy feat! The costumes, lighting and production values of this show help to immerse you into the world of Baba Yaga and you totally lose yourself for a couple of hours. The musical numbers are fantastically catchy, however do feel lacking in frequency during the first half and maybe could benefit from a couple more.
This is a great show, one for the whole family to enjoy and will definitely leave you with an earworm from the fantastic songs throughout.
**** Four stars
Reviewed by: Kelly Bell
The House with Chicken Legs plays at York Theatre Royal until 9 September and tours until December, with further information here.