West End Best Friend

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Review: The Gift That Keeps Giving Episode 1, Pink Pig Productions

It makes you wonder if some of the innovation and creativity spawned as a result of this most devastating of years would have come to fruition, had the pandemic not happened. In an attempt to find a handful of positives from 2020, The Gift That Keeps Giving is certainly one of them.

Produced by Pink Pig Productions, the pilot episode of the new online sitcom (filmed entirely over Zoom) went live on Youtube yesterday.

When two best friends, Ellie and Karis, snuggle down for a social distanced movie sesh, using the famous video chat app ‘Mooz’, talk quickly turns to relationships and the new boys they are dating. As excitement builds it becomes clear things are about to get more complicated.

Conceived and co-written by Reece Kerridge, alongside Jenna Boyd who also directs, a number of West End stars have come together to perform the witty and refreshingly relatable script for an online audience. Running at just under 15 minutes, the pilot episode is the perfect length to make an impact but leave viewers wanting more.

Ellie (Tori Hargreaves) and Karis (Jen Caldwell) set the scene perfectly with Caldwell, in particular, a naturally comedic performer. Even when in tile view with six characters on the screen, she always manages to pull focus but in a positive and contributory way.

We are introduced to the other characters one by one: Chloe Gentles as Lucy-Mae, Molly McGuire as Becky, Claire Learie as Sophie and Jed Berry as Tom, with Josh St Clair in a featuring role that will undoubtedly be developed over forthcoming episodes.

Whilst some roles are given a little more scope to shine, each character is well-defined from the outset and they have great chemistry as a collective. We are only introduced to Tom in the last few minutes, yet he has already established himself as the best friend you wish you had! Learie as Sophie probably has the most lengthy “she said, then she said” piece of dialogue, but delivers it confidently and with total believability.

Pulling this incredibly entertaining quarter-of-an-hour together is the video production and artwork by Ben McQuigg. Whilst the material speaks for itself, the production adds a further level of quality and professionalism to the programme.

Fresh, funny and fabulous. Roll on episode 2!

***** Five stars

Reviewed by: Jenny Ell

To watch the pilot episode on Youtube free of charge, please click here.