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Review: THE END OF THE NIGHT, Original Theatre Online

Photo credit: Mark Douet

Original Theatre Online bring Park Theatre and Original Theatre’s production of The End of the Night to screens to enable Ben Brown’s tense new drama to reach a wider audience. 

Alan Strachan’s direction is captured on camera and edited for this new filmed version of the show by Tristan Shepherd and has been produced for camera by Original Theatre’s own artistic director, Alastair Whatley.

Inspired by true events, The End of the Night is set in the final days of World War II when physiotherapist Dr Felix Kersten (Michael Lumsden) has orchestrated a secret meeting between World Jewish Congress representative Norbert Masur (Ben Caplan) and dangerously powerful Nazi Heinrich Himmler (Richard Clothier) to negotiate the release of the last surviving concentration camp prisoners amidst the downfall of the Third Reich.  Whilst Brown’s writing is fascinating and thrilling, there are several sections of conversation between characters that seem as though they lack purpose in the progression of events, which means some scenes make the play feel like it is dragging a little.

Tristan Shepherd has truly done an excellent job in turning this stage production into a cinematic viewing experience as the camera angles used really enhance the intensity of the interactions between each character.  One moment in particular when the editing is truly spectacular is the arrival of Heinrich Himmler and the slow reveal of his Nazi uniform.  Lighting designer Jason Taylor has cleverly lit the production in a way that still maintains an element of darkness to compliment the tone of the play wonderfully.

The End of the Night is a poignant World War II play which has been brilliantly adapted into a filmed production.  Although some scenes may not be necessary, the story of the secret meeting behind Hitler’s back between a top Nazi and a Swedish Jew is truly fascinating and certainly worth the watch.

**** Four stars

Reviewed by: Jess Dalloway

The End of the Night is available to stream here.