Fringe review: STARK BOLLOCK NAKED, Larisa Faber - Edinburgh Festival Fringe
Photo credit: Jeannine Unsen
The motherhood question. Our reproductive shelf life and what (not) to do with those (aging) eggs. This is a multimedia show with a real naked body and a real honest conversation about reproduction, abortion and the biological clock.
Alongside the comedy-infused storytelling, there is video mapping and a live score of gynaecological instruments - honestly, a smear test will never be the same again! The script is a very honest one. They are conversations that, as women, we have had with ourselves time and time again and will continue to do so for the rest of time.
Larisa Faber performs in the piece, which she also wrote. For most of the performance, she is naked and her arms are taped to her body (she is restricted as her thoughts are, primarily at least). Her facial storytelling is superb and as the video mapping (video design by Louise Rhoades-Brown) appears on her body, we forget she is naked and vulnerable.
It's a funny piece, not aimed at making anyone uncomfortable, but is there to be educational to anyone that may need it and to be entertaining and funny to anyone that needs that too.
A unique and creative performance, that is constantly relevant.
**** Four stars
Reviewed by: Rachel Louise Martin
Stark Bollock Naked plays Downstairs at Assembly Roxy at 3.10pm until 28 August.