Review: SLEEPING BEAUTY, Mercury Theatre Colchester
Photo credit: Pamela Raith
How else to start a frosty December than with a trip to a pantomime? The Mercury’s Sleeping Beauty could be the pick to fill your panto cravings.
Don’t be fooled into thinking you know the plot by the name as Ryan McBride’s lavish direction, coupled with a hilarious script by Guy Unsworth, brings a whole new world to Sleeping Beauty. Luna (Alexandra Barredo), the long-lost princess of Costa del Colchester, is soon to turn 18 which will finally free the town from the rule of her evil aunt Carabosse (Jaimie Pruden). Her adopted family along with magical protector Fairy Fizz (Sasha Latoya) just need to keep her safe for two more days. Classic pantomime hijinks are mixed with more surreal sequences – sexy evil penguin seduction song medley is a standout – making for fits of laughter for the whole audience, with a denouement that is genuinely high stakes and even a little scary.
Award-winning duo Anthony Stuart-Hicks and Dale Superville are the highlights of the show as comedy mother-son duo Dame Maris Piper and Spud Piper. Sitting in the front row is not recommended for shy wallflowers as they will spot you and you’ll either become an essential prop to the plot or comedy spotlight of the moment. Who knows what quick comedic wit will come out of their mouths next? Certainly not the pair, making each other crack up onstage and coming up with one-liners so funny that they themselves can’t help but giggle through the words! Endearingly manic, Superville effortlessly creates a relationship with the audience whilst Stuart-Hicks earns his reputation as the legendary Dame of Mercury pantos with his acidic wit. Such a delight to watch, you miss them as soon as they leave the stage.
Princess Luna is no sleepy helpless heroine in this production. The narrative works to give her a more proactive and feminist approach which Barredo encapsulates in her bold and brave characterisation. She’s also got spectacular pop vocals which blend perfectly with the remixed and reworded pop tunes. Her penguin sidekick Polo (Matthew Forbes) seems at first like an incredulous addition to the story. A pet penguin, really? Yet somehow with his quirky half-animal half-human dialect and amazingly embodied movement of a wibbly-wobbly larger-than-life penguin, Polo sneaks his way into our hearts.
The real stand out is the amazing set and costume design by Jasmine Swan. The icy visuals are stunning from the get go and the world of Costa del Colch is made so vivid by the beautiful dressing and backdrops, as well as being able to take us to more specific locations with ease and depth. In the programme, Swan says she wanted to “go a bit wild” with the costumes and boy, has she! Every character is wearing a unique foam wig with outrageous dress silhouettes and bold colour palettes. It’s a true delight for the eyes.
A hit with the adults and children in the audience alike, Sleeping Beauty at the Mercury is an excellent choice to make for your pantomime trip of the season.
**** Four stars
Reviewed by: Rose Puttick
Sleeping Beauty plays at the Mercury Theatre in Colchester until 14 January, with further information please.