Review: SLEEPING BEAUTY, Loughborough Town Hall

Pantomime season awakes in Loughborough with the 2022/23 production of Sleeping Beauty providing a fantastic piece of winter joy.

Little Wolf Entertainment return for their 9th season at Loughborough Town Hall and their work provides the highest quality entertainment for all the family. There's song, dance, and some hilarious humour sprinkled throughout this year's panto.

The script by Morgan Brind is full to the brim with jokes that will have you in stitches and the odd Dad joke that may make you groan! Brind is a skilled pantomime writer and knows how to balance the humour with enough danger and darkness.

The show is set in the lavish surroundings of Coalville Castle and at the heart is Princess Rose, who is subjected to a curse placed upon her by Aunt Carabosse. Carabosse's place in the pecking order for the throne is lost upon the birth of Rose so she must do all she can to keep her out of the way.

Victoria Lucie is outstanding as Princess Rose. She is West End worthy providing a glowing stage presence and stunning vocals. The musical highlight of the whole performance is Lucie's rendition of 'The Life I Never Led' from Sister Act The Musical.

Marisa Harris relishes the role of Carabosse. She is wickedly evil and thrives in the chorus of boos that the audience bestows on her. Her facial expressions carry so much emotion and she has such a strong command of the stage. Penelope Simons, on the other hand, is sweetness personified as the likeable Fairy Lights. Simons dons an impressive Christmas tree outfit throughout.

Harry Polden is an excellent comedic sidekick and delivers the comedy elements with flair and confidence. He bounces off those around him well. The same can be said for Zac Hanlon who plays a few roles including Carabosse's sidekick. Hanlon also impressively puppeteers St John The Dragon.

Sean McKenzie slightly underpowers Dame Nurse Nancy Lightly. He is good but he does feel a little cut off and slightly lacking in presence. McKenzie's strength is in the delivery of jokes and this is when he's at his best. He improvises well when unexpected things happen.

Kristian Cunningham provides excellent choreography that the company all excel with, including the junior chorus.

Sleeping Beauty provides an evening of fabulous entertainment, perfect for this time of year. Everything you want from pantomime is here and will leave you feeling all warm and uplifted.

**** Four stars

Reviewed by: Mark Johnson

Sleeping Beauty plays at Loughborough Town Hall until 2 January 2023, with tickets available here.




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