West End Best Friend

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Review: SISYPHUS - A ROCK ‘N’ ROLL MUSICAL, Canal Cafe Theatre

Sisyphus: A Rock ‘n’ Roll Musical is an almost completely sung-through theatrical retelling of the Greek mythological tale of the mortal Sisyphus, his nymph demi-god wife Merope, and their rollercoaster story of mortality, freedom, rebellion, and finding your life’s purpose. With some cheeky cameos from household names like Zeus and even death itself, Sisyphus is a wild ride from start to finish! 

With such a colossal tale to tell, you’d expect to see a large cast yet the undertaking falls only on the shoulders of the musical’s three strong all-female cast (and a basket of barbie dolls), Bryony Purdue, Emily Rushton, and Ciara Whiting. Premiering at the beautifully intimate Canal Cafe Theatre, the show aims to prove that even during such turbulent times, new, independent, fringe theatre can still be done, on any budget and thrive. The show’s opening night was not without its teething problems with some sound and nerve issues apparent, the musical’s cast held strong to power through and still deliver a powerful and entertaining evening. 

Bryony Purdue’s Merope proved to be the star performance of the night, with a stunning singing voice and impeccable comedic timing, Purdue truly lifted the performance to new heights. Emily Rushton’s duel performance of Sysyphus and Zeus held its own and showcased her range bringing a very moral softness to Sisyphys, yet being laugh out loud hilarious as the tap-dancing Zeus. Ciara Whiting, as the youngest member of the cast, still studying for an acting degree whilst rather clearly a little less comfortable on the stage than her counterparts, still delivered a raunchy and playful performance of The Hunter and Death. Besties, who would have thought we would ever feel any sympathy for death? 

Sisyphus embodies what fringe theatre is really about, entertaining if somewhat raw performances that help to showcase incredible talent and appreciate the incredible work that writers and directors like Ian Bowkett (Director, Producer, Composer, light, and sound for Sisyphus) put into their passion projects. He wrote thirty songs for this musical, Besties! So we wholeheartedly recommend you run to catch the world premiere of this lovely little show and get the epic bragging rights of being able to say you saw it first!

*** Three stars

Reviewed by: Natalie Pedro

Sisyphus: A Rock ‘n’ Roll Musical plays at the Canal Cafe Theatre in London until 9 October.