Review: SHERLOCK IN HOMES 2 - MURDER ON ICE, Sharp Teeth & Wardrobe Theatre

Murder On Ice

Returning following their global hit Murder at the Circus, Sharp Teeth and Wardrobe Theatre - in association with Bristol Old Vic - do not disappoint with their 90-minute interactive murder mystery, Sherlock in Homes 2: Murder on Ice

An audience of over a hundred are led through the investigation by Captain El Sharto, wonderfully played by a boisterous and witty Peter Baker. As an audience member, there is the risk of feeling lost in the crowd with such a large number, but Baker encourages audience participation and ensures that everyone feels heard, plus it’s fantastic to think that that many people are experiencing live theatre together on a Saturday evening. 

The company really use Zoom to their advantage, with well thought-out backgrounds and impeccably timed use of the camera. The audience are invited to interrogate each suspect in large teams, which sometimes makes it difficult to unite in a line of questioning, but it also means that there are lots of eyes peeled to help solve the mystery! The cast are fantastic, fielding our questions and taking us on a journey with them. Eleanor Nawal and Douglas Walker’s performances have us in stitches at times and their comic timing is brilliant. 

Afforded two interrogations for each suspect, the audience are trusted with a lot of autonomy but the ‘Broadcast Message’ feature on Zoom is used really well to keep us on track. The show is also very family friendly and perfect if you’re looking for something to do as a group, whether you’re in the same household or not. In our team alone, the age range spanned six decades so this is a real testament to the accessibility of the show. 

This production is an excellent example of how the features of Zoom can be used to reach and include a wider audience.

**** Four stars

Reviewed by: Eliza Harris

Running online until 10 April, tickets can be booked here.

Eliza Harris

West Country born and raised, Eliza is a professional actor who trained in Musical Theatre at the New York Film Academy. Since graduating, she's toured all over Italy doing physical theatre and teaching theatre in English.Passionate about making theatre accessible, Eliza is Associate Artist for ‘Fusion Theatre Company' who created and toured a fully accessible reimagination of Medusa in London, Italy and Chicago.Eliza is thrilled to be part of the WEBF team and wants to keep spreading theatre magic. She can often be found at her piano, running, or bouldering!

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