West End Best Friend

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Legendary cabaret performer and gifted ghost-whisperer Séayoncé (Dan Wye) returns to the stage this festive season with her murderous accomplice and accompanist Leslie-Ann (Robyn herfellow) in an irreverent anti-Christmas spectacular.

Séayoncé and Leslie-Ann have been granted the career-defining opportunity to film a live Christmas special for TV, but when mysterious forces begin to interfere and force the duo to make their content ‘family friendly’ (shudder), the saucy medium and her sidekick commit themselves to presenting the most shocking and salacious show possible.

The plot of this production is a loose framework but one that gives enough structure to steer the two hour performance. It also - crucially - gives Séayoncé and Leslie-Ann a form to break apart and rebel against in their characteristically naughty way.

Séayoncé's Perky Nativititties showcases a weird and witchy flavour of drag and is a perfect respite for those exhausted with the mawkish glut of pantomimes at this time of year - which can drive as many away from the theatres as it draws in.

There should be a warning to bring an inhaler to Séayoncé's Perky Nativititties - the unrelenting scattergun of outrageous gags and puns will leave you breathless with laughter. The script is tight and performed with precision and poise, although there is a room for the two performers to play with the audience, which is where Dan Wye truly shows his comedic chops.

Charlie Beveridge's colourful and playful lighting and sound design brings Oli Fuller's cozy studio set to fabulous life.

For all the groan-worthy puns and obscene choreography, Séayoncé's Perky Nativititties has an earnest heart of gold. Dan Wye, Robyn Herfellow and dramaturg Jay Miller have brought together an audience of misfits in the intimate Yard Theatre to celebrate difference at a time of year when Christmas cookie-cutter conformity can be especially isolating.

This Christmas, we shall be worshipping at the altar of Séayoncé - divine goddess of the sordid and angel of anarchy. A raucous and outrageous celebration of the wild and weird. The best thing you'll see this festive season.

***** Five stars

Reviewed by: Livvy Perrett

Séayoncé's Perky Nativititties plays at London’s Yard Theatre until 21 December, with further info here.