West End Best Friend

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Review: PRISCILLA QUEEN OF THE DESERT, UK Tour - New Theatre Oxford

Glitter, glamour and gals in gorgeous gowns. Silicone, sass and smash hit songs. Throw it all together and you have this foot-tapping feel-good celebration of tolerance and acceptance.

Being part of the audience at The New Theatre Oxford for the gala performance of Priscilla Queen of the Desert is a real treat and even before curtain-up, the auditorium is buzzing. The stunning vocals of the three Diva’s (Claudia Kariuki, Aiesha Pease and Rosie Glossop) open the show and we are immediately swept into the world of Tick/Mitzi (Edwin Ray), a drag queen who receives a call from his wife, summoning him west to Alice Springs to meet his 6 year old son and perform at the casino she runs.

We soon meet Bernadette and Felicia (Miles Western and Nick Hayes respectively), who join Tick on the journey in their “budget barbie camper van” which they name Priscilla - Queen of the Desert!

While mostly fun and frivolous, there are important messages about acceptance and respect in the show, which feel incredibly relevant in today’s society, and are clearly important to the audience - many rainbows are sported throughout the auditorium. This show clearly has a special place in the hearts of the LGBTQ+ Community- and rightly so.

It’s incredibly pleasing to see that this open-mindedness stretches to casting as well. For the first time in what feels like far too long Besties, there is an (exceptionally talented) ensemble where not every female is a 5 foot 8” size 10, and not every male has a six pack and a chiselled jaw! More of this please casting directors!

The orchestra, led by Richard Atkinson, are flawless, and – as expected- the costumes are stunning and often hilarious - ever seen a chorus of dancing cupcakes?! One does wonder if some of the budget for the set was reallocated to the costume department, as it is possibly the only element of the production which feels a little less than meticulously considered, even with the constraints placed on a set which must be suitable for touring.

Stand out performances come from Miles Western as Bernadette, and Nick Hayes as Felicia/Adam. Both have compelling stage presence, and play the highs and the lows of their characters with exceptional talent.

Although there are some fresh new ideas in the production, it is not surprising to learn that Jason Donovan is on board as part of the producing team. Lovers of the Original West End production of the show (Donovan played Tick in the West End show and UK tour), and of the 1994 film will find a lot to love in this version.

The boundless energy displayed by the cast is sustained all the way through, ending with a wonderfully camp finale, complete with glittery costumes and flashing lights, which has the whole audience on their feet and wondering where we can get our hands on a three foot high feather headdress!

**** Four stars

Reviewed by: Sarah Brown

Priscilla Queen of the Desert is touring until 6 November and following Oxford, will visit Bristol, Woking, Manchester and Glasgow. To book tickets, please click here.