West End Best Friend

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Review: PRESS PLAY, Fox Story Theatre - Online

Streaming online from 1 November until 1 December, Press Play is the story of an anxious fox who is struggling to leave his room.

Having previously made YouTube videos with his friends, he is now struggling with everyday life and escaping to his own world within his head. So, how do you move on from anxiety?

Written and directed by Declan McCarthy and featuring original songs by Amy Glenister, Press Play shows how easy it is for us to disappear in to our own world and the safe space that is our own mind, allowing us to not have to deal with anything in the outside world.

The puppets work well, distancing the story from actual people and making the piece suitable for even the youngest viewers to understand what is happening in the story.

The music and songs are not only quite catchy, but the lyrics move the story along well and retain the attention of the audience in what could be a hard subject for some to watch.

It’s an important message, one that says no matter what life throws at you, there are people that care and you will work your way out of the bad times.

“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly….”

It’s a really engaging way to spread the idea that everyone has bad times and that the good times will be back. Suitable for all ages.

**** Four stars

Reviewed by: Rachel Louise Martin

To book free tickets for Press Play or to make a donation, please click here.