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Fringe review: IT’S A MOTHERF**KING PLEASURE, FlawBored - Edinburgh Festival Fringe

It's a Motherf**king Pleasure by Flawbored is a strikingly original satire about the monetisation of identity politics and ableism.

PR Company RIZE has been called out for being ableist and a blind talent manager (played by Samuel Brewer) and an HR woman (Chloe Palmer) are called in to fix it - pronto. Everything goes horribly wrong. So horribly wrong that you think surely this could only be made up, only to be revealed that some of the quotes and videos that Flawbored integrate into the piece are shockingly from real life.

From the top of this show, the company of three actors: Palmer, Brewer and Aarian Mehrabani all put the audience at ease by making fun of and addressing ‘ableist anxiety’, whilst also poking fun at themselves when they audio describe each other’s ‘vibes’.

The performers are brilliant and quick in their comedic timing and multi rolling of different ludicrous characters, such as Palmer as the anxious HR woman ‘Helen’ who is a people pleaser and terrified to offend her blind colleagues, played by Brewer and Mehrabani.

The show is a triple threat in its wit, social commentary and shock.

***** Five stars

Reviewed by: Viv Williams

It’s a Mother F**king Pleasure plays in Friesian at Underbelly until 27 August.