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Review: GHOSTS, Sam Wanamaker Playhouse - Shakespeare’s Globe

Photo credit: Marc Brenner

Joe Hill Wood’s direction of Ibsen’s Ghosts is a highly atmospheric, tantalising production that grips the audience as strongly as Helene holds onto her son Oswald. The candlelit Sam Wanamaker Playhouse is the perfect environment for this production, which highlights the darkness in which these characters exist both metaphorically and literally in regards to the location and weather with Oswald’s continued plea for sunlight, light and life in a home that is dark and deceitful.

Wood has cleverly adapted the text as it feels modern and the language accessible, yet still truthful and not far from the original. Themes in the play have always been modern in their divisive and rebellious nature like the challenging of the nuclear family, taboo love, prostitution, sex, and incest. Wood’s production does well to bring all these themes to the forefront but in a subtle, interlinked way that is not gratuitous but rather effective and truthful.

The cast are all very strong. In particular, Stuart Thompson shines as Oswald in his delicate and dark flamboyance, an apparent man child who longs to escape the darkness of his origins. Greg Hicks as Engstand is simply brilliant, charismatic and likeable despite his seedy behaviour and questionable intentions.

Rosanna Vize’s set is very original and non-naturalistic, composed of plush cherry red carpeting which covers the entire stage floor. Characters continually find themselves drawn to it, lounging, crawling, and sleeping. This flooring brings out a sensuality in the blocking of action and becomes another character in its own right. The back wall is composed of mirrors which reflect the ghosts of the characters and audience, haunting in each corner. The design is luscious and a statement, yet is used in every moment of the play, so does not appear to be a gimmick. It takes some time to get on board with it, with Oswald ‘sleeping’ in the centre of the stage for a lot of the play but this quickly becomes accepted and second nature to the audience.

An innovative, gripping and authentic production.

**** Four stars

Reviewed by: Viv Williams

Ghosts plays in the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse at Shakespeare’s Globe until 28 January, with further information here.