Review: Gabriel Studio Cast Recording, SimG Records

Gabriel 4 stars

Andrew Fisher and Nick Stinson bring us a new two-act Christmas musical based on the Nativity, but from the Angel Gabriel’s point of view in their most recent project.

It is an interesting retelling with a stellar cast. Familiar names include Daniel Boys and Lauren Samuels as Gabriel and Mary respectively, who first came to our attention during Andrew Lloyd Webber’s TV talent shows and then went on to show everyone just how talented they are. Stuart Matthew Price plays Joseph and David Bedella, fresh from a stint in the West End, plays King Herod. James Gillan plays a wonderfully snivelling sidekick to Herod called Quirinius and his solo, ‘Roman Bureaucrat’, is just a delight. 

The show has similarities to Joseph and His Technicolour Dreamcoat and Jesus Christ Superstar in terms of style and tempo of the songs, with ‘Mary’, ‘Make Hay’ and ‘Empty Throne’ being particular highlights. Samuels as Mary steals the show with her exceptional vocals; so much so that it’s a shame she only has one solo. 

My one criticism is not of the songs but of the concept itself. As the story is supposed to be told from Gabriel’s point of view, we only get one song at the beginning from him and then we don’t really hear anything about his side of the story again until the second act, it becomes the nativity as a musical. This may be different on stage to how it comes across in the album. 

There is otherwise a good mix of solos, duets and group songs, as you dance and sing your way through the traditional nativity story. It is a lively and upbeat soundtrack with some exceptional ballads mixed in too. 

It is worth a listen and should it be staged, I will be in line to get tickets. 

The Gabriel Studio Cast Recording is released on 14 December and is available to purchase here.

**** Four stars

Reviewed by: Emma Littler

Emma Littler

Emma has a 9-5 normal job, but in her spare time is all things theatre! Having been a stage manager through school and now with various Drama societies in Norfolk. She loves the feel of the adrenaline rush when the lights go down and she has to open the curtains for the first time.

Emma loves musicals having seen 47 different shows 75 times! Her favourite being Come From Away. Other loves include painting, baking and sport.

She has also recently turned her hand to writing village pantomimes.


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