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Review: Fame the Musical (The Shows Must Go On stream)

Photo credit: Tristram Kenton

Developed by David De Silva, the man behind the production of the well-known original film and television series, Fame the Musical has been seen all over the world and during its most recent UK tour stop at the Peacock Theatre in London, it was thankfully recorded. With the return of The Shows Must Go On! scheme, which brings filmed and archived productions to the masses during the continuing theatre shutdown, Fame was streamed on YouTube over the weekend and enjoyed by many on this platform. 

I am going to hold my hands up here and admit that I have never actually seen the film, or the television series (shocking, I know!) but I had a general idea about the plot. Set in a performing arts school in New York, Fame focuses on the stories of eight students during their time at the academy and the struggles that they face in finding success in both their world of performing arts, and in their lives outside the industry. The film is referenced on a number of occasions but thankfully for me, the plot doesn’t rely heavily on the success of the film and works pretty well as a stand-alone piece of art. 

This is a production that truly comes across as an ensemble piece and in a world of star billing and big names, that’s rather nice to see. It does have a couple of better-known names in Jorgie Porter as devoted dancer Iris, Mica Paris as teacher Miss Sherman and Keith Jack as the determined young actor Nick, but each fit into the ensemble who give their all to an extremely high energy dance heavy show. Porter, a talented dancer, impresses as Iris; not only showing off her dance ability but also her great emotional range in her relationship with Tyrone (Jamal Crawford) and friendship with fellow dancer Mabel (Hayley Johnson). Crawford and Johnson are delightful as Tyrone and Mabel, both competing with their own issues; be that reading or a tendency to overeat. Johnson also gets the opportunity to show off her comedy skills in ‘Mabel’s Prayer’, with Crawford getting his moment to shine in ‘Dancin’ on the Sidewalk’. 

Keith Jack brings great depth to the character of Nick, a young actor who wants nothing more than to hone his craft and go into the industry he loves with the ability to command the stage. He throws himself into his studies, quoting Shakespeare in the corridors and telling his classmates of his wishes to create magic on the stage. His act one number ‘I Want To Make Magic’ is a highlight, along with the Act Two reprise of ‘Let’s Play A Love Scene’ alongside Molly McGuire as Serena.

McGuire impresses as the ambitious young actress, devoted to her lessons but distracted by her feelings for Nick; her solo ‘Think Of Meryl Streep’ being a standout moment. Simon Anthony and Stephanie Rojas make a lovely pair as Schlomo and Carmen, with their budding romance something that I wish we got to see more of. Carmen’s story, whilst touching and an important one to tell, was quite predictable from the outset.

I didn’t actually look at the cast list before beginning to watch this filmed production but was very quick to spot Albey Brookes in the opening number, who plays comedic, trouble-making Joe. Constantly buzzing with energy and glee at telling dirty jokes throughout, his Act One number ‘Can’t Keep It Down’ proved to be a crowd pleaser. You can’t deny the brilliance of Mica Paris’ performance of ‘These Are My Children’ but I have to admit that in her other musical moments, such as her duet with Louisa Beadel as Miss Bell, I did find her a little bit intense. I also want to take a moment to say well done to the wider ensemble cast, with a number of them also playing instruments throughout.

In terms of the story itself, you could see some of the plot points a mile off and whilst this didn’t distract from being able to enjoy the production, it did leave parts falling a little flat. Nevertheless, Fame provides a couple of hours of escapism with some incredible dance numbers, performed flawlessly by its talented cast. It’s high energy and funny with meaningful moments of friendship, love and sticking together through hard times. If you missed the stream this weekend, don’t worry, you can watch this production of Fame the Musical on BroadwayHD with a week’s free trial. 

*** 3 1/2 stars

Reviewed by: Rebecca Wallis