Review: FAITH HEALER, Lyric Hammersmith

Photo credit: Marc Brenner

Brian Friel’s play Faith Healer allures with its mysterious title. Though the play begins with an eerie atmosphere, largely created by Colin Richmond’s minimal yet effective set design, the performance struggles to maintain this initial mystery.

The story focuses on a faith healer, someone who believes that he performs miracles, Frank (played by Declan Conlon) and his life as intertwined and told by his mistress Grace, performed by Justine Mitchell, and his manager Teddy, performed by Nick Holder.

Rachel O’Riordan’s direction encourages the performers to find intimacy in the script, performing each monologue as though they are in a therapist’s office imparting a secret. Although the story is intriguing, this element of curiosity is not delivered by its performers who often struggle to even be heard by the audience.

The actors are swallowed by the vast stage and perform as though they are being filmed for television and not to an audience of 577. Perhaps with more innovative directorial choices, Brian Friel’s play could deliver impactfully on its audiences, but in O’Riordan’s production, the mystery falls short.

** Two stars

Reviewed by: Viv Williams

Faith Healer plays at the Lyric Hammersmith until 13 April, with further information here.


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