Review: EDUCATING RITA, Mowlem Theatre

Educating Rita 4 stars

Swanage’s Mowlem Theatre is a small theatre with a big heart. The sea views from the bar make you feel like you are on a cruise ship and that feeling is taken into the cosy auditorium.

Being greeted with an open set was refreshing as it draws you in from the moment you sit down. A wall of books, a table and a desk. A simple set for a show that seems simple but is far from it.

Frank’s (Keith Hill) first steps onto the stage introduce us to an alcoholic, shabby, well-spoken university professor. This is contrasted by the entrance of Rita (Kimberly Hart Simpson) who looks a lot more glamorous but is offset by her Liverpudlian accent. 

This production of Willy Russell’s script, which cleverly focusses on class and stereotypes, proves that this work is timeless. The original film, which came out in 1983 starring Julie Walters and Richard E Grant, has themes which were relevant then but this production, set in the 80’s, could have easily been set in the present day.

A big, relatable theme is how Rita feels stuck in her community. She believes she can’t be the person she wants to be because of her upbringing and her surroundings. The courage she shows to break away from what’s expected of her and embrace who she wants to be is admirable. Anyone who wants to change their life can relate to this; be that school, job, relationships etc.

The pressures opposing this change come from her partner, her family and Frank. His attitude of wanting to help her but not wanting her to lose her spirit and the essence of what makes her her is both admirable and also jarring.

The whole show highlights how our society works and how people are expected to act a certain way to fit into situations. By educating Rita and teaching her how to form essays and be critical without being subjective, means that she will be able to pass her exams, but suppresses her joyous innocence to the world she wants to be a part of. Alice Bartlett’s direction works perfectly to portray these two characters. How a university professor who seems to have his life together is actually a mess who has given up on life. Whereas a hairdresser from Liverpool wants to better herself to learn to appreciate the arts, in all its forms.

**** Four stars

Reviewed by: Robin Dibben

Educating Rita runs until 11 September. Definitely try to see this little show if you can.  To book tickets, please click here.


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