West End Best Friend

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Review: DELIVERED, Old Joint Stock Theatre Birmingham

Photo credit: Alexander Varey

The Old Joint Stock in Birmingham and The Town and Gown in Cambridge are the siblings of the fringe theatre scene in the UK. What appears in one theatre will, at some point, take place in the other and vice versa. Not content with hosting some of the brightest fringe theatre touring the country, they occasionally join forces to produce shows both old and new with a fresh and innovative eye.

One such production is Delivered. Written and directed by up and coming tour de force Lisa MacGregor and inspired by true events, Delivered tells the story of Tabitha aka “Tabs”, a young, vivacious Brummie gifted a liver and a new lease of life. When her letters of explanation and thanks go unanswered, Tabs sets on a journey to find the donor family and thank them in person.

With the assistance of an algorithm Tabs, clip board in tow with the spirit of a quirky salesman, starts knocking on doors; eventually landing on Tim’s front step. This 30-something, single father meets the criteria, widowed on the same day Tabs is gifted another chapter of life. At first, Tim doesn’t want to know; the grief so strong that the aim is to survive, not thrive. Tabitha’s charm and perseverance win out and together they discover what it means to love, to grieve and to find hope in the darkest of spaces.

Jessica Melia brings a tangible life and joy to Tabitha. It’s often said that Brummies are warm and unapologetically true to themselves and Melia embodies those characteristics. Their warmth, wittiness and charisma floods the room, immediately making you feel safe and with friends. Despite the occasions of accidental insensitivity, Melia has the audience in the palm of her hand and wills them to be successful in the winning over of Tim.

Adam Boyle excels in the role of Tim. Expertly portraying a series of complex emotions and issues with sincerity and poise. Boyle brings the dynamics to the piece, cutting through the sweetness of Tabs with intelligence and wit. Boyle is endearing and sincere to watch and the relationship between the two of them is utterly believable.

McGregor has, in short, delivered. This 75-minute piece is full of laughs and has some twists and turns that knock the breath out of you. The writing and direction are clear and as an audience member, you get on board quickly and enjoy the ride. There are a few areas that would benefit from further exploration but these are easily forgiven and it’s quite enjoyable to fill in the blanks yourself. You know you’ve seen good theatre when you leave slightly different to how you arrived.

There is room for this piece to grow and we’re excited to see how this it develops. Delivered DELIVERED.

**** Four stars

Reviewed by: Alanna Boden

Get your tickets here before it leaves Birmingham tomorrow, Besties. This is one to watch.