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Review: DARK SPIRITS, BLACK HUMOR: A NIGHT OF COCKTAILS & STORYTELLING, Inhouse Theatre & Assembly - Edinburgh Fringe (Online)

You’re in a small pub (via Zoom, naturally) that has recently reopened after lockdown and the American bar tender is fixing you a drink. It’s a cocktail. As he pours, he describes its ingredients. The once banned Absinthe, Drambuie, Scotch whisky, ice and rosemary. For remembrance.

There is the possible threat of darker spirits from the past intruding on the evening; the atmosphere is set and we are ready to begin.

Our host for the evening is Mark. He has already engaged us in pleasant conversation so we are relaxed and comfortable. He begins to tell us a story about his friend Jimmy. It concerns a theatre ghost, the production of a play and the legend of the ghost light, and we are drawn in for its conclusion.

Dark Spirits is an enjoyable production to watch. There is a wholesome physicality to the storytelling so it’s easy to become engaged in Mark’s voice and focus on the tale being told.

It’s a throwback to haunted stages and speakeasies. If it appeals to you to settle in and listen, rather than an all-singing, all-dancing production, then this is the piece for you.

Intriguing, piquant and haunting.

**** Four Stars.

Reviewed by: Rachel Louise Martin

Dark Spirits, Black Humor: A Night of Cocktails and Storytelling is available at Fringe Online