Review: BOOMING VOICES, Eastern Angles Theatre Company - Online

Capturing the beauty and history of the Norfolk Broads, Booming Voices has been put together using information from interviews with people living on the idyllic landscape and uses real voices, music and science to tell its story.

Set in the height of the pandemic, Jen is shielding alone in an isolated cottage, housesitting for a US Professor who is exploring the impact of climate change. Through video chats, they work together to look at the wildlife and nature and their vulnerabilities within the landscape.

Written and directed by Ivan Cutting and Ollie Harrington, a company of four actors, Anna Buttery, Emily Juler, Lee Rufford and Matthew Rutherford take on multiple roles to tell this important and interesting story of nature and the impacts of humans on our natural climate.

Jen’s relatable story of isolation, discovering the world around her and how her life changed through COVID-19, is told between short explanations of the science and history of the Broads and has toe-tapping songs by acclaimed folk musician Jimmy Aldridge, which are both catchy and informative. 

The cast move effortlessly between characters and the piece is entertaining with the scientific explanations giving the audience an important insight into how the climate has evolved and what we all need to do to protect it without feeling like we’re being lectured to.

Pertinent, engaging and didactic.

**** Four stars

Reviewed by: Rachel Louise Martin

Booming Voices is available to stream here until 14 May and can be seen touring the East of England until 12 June. For further information and to book tickets, please click here.


Review: THE PITMEN PAINTERS, Crescent Theatre Birmingham


Arcola Theatre’s critically acclaimed GRIMEBORN FESTIVAL returns for 15th year