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Producers Katy Lipson & Adam Lenson to commission a brand new musical every year

In another brilliant opportunity announced today, Katy Lipson of Aria Entertainment and Adam Lenson of Adam Lenson Productions are teaming up to commission new musicals created by UK based writers.

Both companies have an excellent reputation for supporting new musical theatre, shown by Aria’s From Page To Stage Festival and full-time literary department, and Lenson’s Signal concert series.

An original piece will be commissioned on an annual basis and the producers are encouraging writers from all backgrounds to pitch their ideas to them, to be in with a chance of receiving a writing commission of up to £6,000.

They are keen to hear from individuals about shows with a cast of four or less with themes that respond to the world we are living in today. They seek innovation, bold and brave new ideas and voices, not pre-existing work.

Lipson and Lenson intend to find, curate and develop the show for production, which has the potential to lead to publishing and international production opportunities.

To apply, please click here before entries close on 31 December 2020.