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Oxford Playhouse co-produces new play about Josephine Baker for young audiences

Oxford Playhouse have teamed up with The Egg Theatre Bath, Holm Theatre (Wales) and Wales Millennium Centre to commission and tour a new play about 20th century campaigner, spy, actor and civil rights activist, Josephine Baker, which will play in the Burton Taylor Studio from 5–9 October 2021

Born in St Louis in 1906, Josephine became a French national where she raised her twelve internationally adopted children, dubbed the Rainbow Tribe. Baker was a famous dancer and was the first Black woman to star in a major motion picture. She aided the French Resistance during WWII, which earned her the Croix de Guerre by General Charles de Gaulle. She also spoke at the infamous March on Washington in 1963, alongside Martin Luther King. 

Writers of the play, Leona Allen and Jesse Briton have amplified the infamous and less infamous sides of Josephine Baker in a bid to address anti-racism and learning about diversity in schools. 

They said: “When we stumbled across the story of Josephine Baker, we were amazed by two things: How could she have done so much? And how could we not have heard of her? We wrote Josephine to answer those questions and inspire a whole new generation to reimagine their relationship with the past.”

The production is directed by Holm Theatre’s Jesse Briton, with music composed by Nadine and Simon Lee, choreography by Ingrid MacKinnon and design by Debbie Duru. 

The show will visit more than 25 venues and 15 schools in a national tour, following performances at Oxford Playhouse.

Tickets for Josephine at Oxford Playhouse can be purchased here.