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New school play BEYOND THE EDGE about climate change available for licensing

Paul Symonloe’s new play about climate change and the climate emergency, Beyond The Edge, has been made available for licensing via Off The Wall Plays.

Suitable for school children to perform, the story is about climate change but also courage and humanity. It centres on four young students who end up trapped with their two teachers after a bridge gives way on their way home. They are stuck on a hill, on the precipice of the drop off into the raging waters below. While they wait for help – they begin to question what it is that made the bridge give way, the constant rain, and their own roles in the matter. Questions about history, friendships, and connections to the world around us.

While everyone is stranded, they contemplate how their situation is not so different to those shipwrecked in Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The weather is bad and getting worse. Will they survive the night? And if they do, how will they survive the coming years?

Everything seems to be under control until a series of remarkable events unfold. As news media across the world bear witness, youth are campaigning against inertia on climate change. We have all, perhaps, wondered what we can do to help change minds. Beyond the Edge imagines how we can act as one planet, and allow hope to prevail.

The hour-long play is priced at $6.50 with all proceeds going towards stopping climate change.

For more information, please click here.