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Mental Health Awareness Week - Part 3

Lockdown affected everyone in different ways, but the strongest feeling experienced by most people was loneliness.

Many performers, creatives and theatre workers have been vocal about their struggles with mental health due to, and throughout, lockdown and for anyone struggling in the industry or not, here are some groups that are there to support us.

Theatre Helpline: Have a support line available on 0800 915 4617, which is free and confidential and available 24/7 or you can email advice@theatrehelpline.org

Theatresupport.info: Is a website that signposts all the different charities that can provide support and advice to theatre workers and has a flow chart to help direct you to the most appropriate place for your situation. https://theatresupport.info/

Wellbeing Webinars: In May 2021 UK Theatre ran a series of 10 mental health and wellbeing webinars for the theatre industry. These recordings are still available and free to view. https://theatremeansbusiness.info/

6ft From the Spotlight: Providing mental health support for crew in the theatre, film and TV industry. https://6ftfrom.org/  

To support this charity: https://6ftfrom.teemill.com/

Applause for Thought: Free facilities and low-cost mental health support, talks, consultancy and mental health training for the entertainment industry. https://applauseforthought.com/

Be Extra: Is a new, non-profit organisation founded by creatives for who the arts are central to their lives and mental health. https://be-extra.co.uk/

Industry Minds: Are a mental health charity offering counselling, seminars and a podcast. https://www.industryminds.co.uk/

Playing Sane: A short-term mental health support for actors, their colleagues and carers. https://www.playingsane.org/

For more information and resources about Mental Health Week, please click here.