MARVELLOUS to launch new West End theatre @sohoplace
Photo credit: Andrew Billington
Nica Burns has announced that the opening production of @sohoplace will be the New Vic’s much acclaimed production Marvellous, running from 15 October-26 November.
@sohoplace is the first new West End theatre in 50 years, with a flexible, 602-seat auditorium, purpose built and opening in-the-round.
Directed by Theresa Heskins and performed by a talented company including neuro-divergent actors, Marvellous is the joyful, inspiring true story of Neil ‘Nello’ Baldwin who, defying all expectations, has led and continues to lead, the most amazing life.
Growing up in the 1950’s in less enlightened times, Neil Baldwin was not expected to be a success. But Neil decided he was destined to do wonderful things and that his life was going to be marvellous. And it is.
He hitchhiked across the country, became a famous clown, got an honorary degree from Keele University, was appointed Stoke City’s legendary kit man, appeared on the Queen’s New Year Honours list and accepted a BAFTA award for the film made about his life. A friend to anyone he meets, he became a local hero and an inspiration to the world. A reminder to us all not to let anything stand in the way of your dreams, just go out and make them happen.
Producer and Theatre Owner, Nica Burns, said: “Marvellous is precisely that, marvellous. A wonderful production of a heartwarming and uplifting tale about an extraordinary man who decided he would lead an exceptional life. And against all the odds, he has and does. The New Vic in North Staffordshire, led by its brilliant director Theresa Heskins, is an absolute jewel of a regional theatre, the cultural beacon of the area and the beating heart of its community. As we open our new theatre in-the-round, we are honoured to be collaborating with and learning from the expertise of the New Vic’s amazing team.”
Following Marvellous, two new productions will be staged at @sohoplace; the first directed by Josie Rourke and the second by Dominic Cooke. Further information will be revealed in due course.
For more information, please click here.