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Little Angel Theatre launch PEOPLE BEHIND THE PUPPETS

Little Angel Theatre’s new online series People Behind the Puppets has released i first episode of its new online series today. The episode features an interview with designer Maia Kirkman-Richards and can be enjoyed here

An episode will be released each week and each designer will bring with them an ‘easy’ puppet for children to make at home as well as Little Angel’s puppet angel interviews makers about their work. In upcoming episodes Oliver Hymans, Alicia Britt and Jimmy Grimes will feature along with further in the future Toby Olié and Alison Alexander.  

Little Angel Theatre have over 60 years of puppet knowledge and a range of designers have bought their puppets to the stage during this time. Maia Kirkman-Richards, who has worked for Little Angel Theatre with The Slightly Annoying Elephant and The Further Adventures of the Owl and the Pussycat, is up first and full details of her work can be found here

Little Angel Theatre also has a full Easter programme which can be found here  will include online shows Where Bugaboo Lives, Eggs on Legs, We Cover the Universe and The Stone Soup. These will be £13.50 per household with varying audience age ranges available to suit your little ones. There will also be Easter Holiday Craft Sessions between 6 – 9 April.