Interview: Drag diva and cabaret legend Trevor Ashley on QUEEN OF THE MOMENT

Australian drag diva and cabaret legend Trevor Ashley makes his triumphant return to the Lyric Theatre with a brand new show next week. We spoke to Trevor ahead of his upcoming London performance.

Queen of the Moment is the third show you’ve brought to London’s West End. What can audiences expect from this show?

It's a lavish concert with a fabulous band, gowns, and gags! I literally belt my face off for a couple of hours, and pay tribute to Liza Minnelli and the great Dame Shirley Bassey, as well as performing songs from Queen of the Universe, my hit TV show. You won’t want to miss it!!!

Can you tell us about the experience filming Queen of the Universe?

I really enjoyed it! I was so unsure when I first got cast about whether I would have a good experience, but it was truly wonderful. I mean, working with legends like Graham Norton and Michelle Visage? What's not to like.

You created the role of Miss Understanding in Priscilla Queen of the Desert: The Musical. Can you tell us a bit about how that process works?

Being a part of Priscilla in the original production was an incredible time... we literally all got to contribute to how our roles were built. I'm really proud to have been a part of the show in its creation, and to see how it's travelled the world.

You’ve played many roles, each very different (Thenardier in Les Misérables, Herod in Jesus Christ Superstar, Edna Turnblad in Hairspray). Which has been your favourite and which has been your most challenging?

Thenardier was hugely challenging for me as I hadn't worked out of drag in some time. Cameron Mackintosh had seen one of my adults-only pantos and decided to cast me, which shows his legendary vision. I loved playing Edna Turnblad because she's such a warm character - the score of that show is one of my favourites so singing that nightly for a couple of years was heaven. I just feel very lucky that I have been able to portray such different characters.

You have been fortunate enough to perform in some of the world’s greatest venues, such as Sydney Opera House and New York’s Sony Hall. Is there any particular venue that you would really love to perform in?

Oh gosh - I will always have a special feeling for the Sydney Opera House... I guess because it's my home town. It's a beautiful venue to perform in, and I have so many memories of playing there in concert and with my own shows.

Trevor Ashley: Queen of the Moment plays at the Lyric Theatre on 9 October, with further information here.


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