West End Best Friend

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Interview: Nicole Faraday on brand new musical SOUL SISTERS

The world premiere of brand new musical Soul Sisters is touring the UK this Spring, starring ex-Sugababe Amelle Berrabah, Wendi Harriott (The Voice) and star of stage and screen Nicole Faraday. We spoke to Nicole about performing in this new piece of work.

Soul Sisters is a brand new musical. Can you tell us what it is about and who you play?

It is about a trio of friends who have known each other since school days and formed a band together 20 years ago, which gave them chart success and a taste of fame....cut to 20 years later and they are reunited at a holiday camp 'Soul Weekender', where they are due to perform and we see what has happened in the interim. Drama unfolds as we see how their lives have changed but are still intertwined.

What has it been like to create a character in a new musical?

It is something I am used to as I worked for many years for Perfect Pitch who produce brand new workshops and full scale musicals at Edinburgh Festival and the Trafalgar Studios...their latest success in fact is Six The Musical...plus I originated the role of Shell Dockley in Bad Girls the Musical for which we workshopped and performed for many years, culminating in a run at The Garrick in the West End, a cast album, DVD and me winning a TMA for Best Supporting Performance in a Musical, which was a lovely recognition. I enjoy creating roles in both musicals and theatre in general and have made a career out of it.

What has the audience response to the show been like so far?

Mixed, not going to lie...some people seem to expect a juke box musical and want soul hits they recognise. However, what we are creating is far more exciting as it is brand new theatre with original songs and I personally applaud new writing.

What are some of your favourite songs to perform in the show?

My ballad 'If I Don't Tell You Tonight', my pop pastiche 'Too Right To Be Wrong' and our fab dramatic trio ballad 'Break Me Open' in Act Two.

What is it like to tour with only one night at each venue?


Audiences will primarily know from your TV work. How does working for TV compare to working for theatre? Do you have a preference?

It is a totally different thing, the style of acting is different as well as the day to day workings of it...I am fortunate to have a career in which I seem to alternate and as a person with little patience and a low boredom threshold, long may the variety continue!

What can audiences expect from the show and why should they come to see it?

They can expect powerful and exciting original songs, a relatable and original depiction of female friendship plus they will be supporting new British writing and live performance, which is really important after the pandemic as we really need people supporting us and putting their faith in us to give them a moving and fun night out!

Soul Sisters the Musical tours until the end of May, with tickets available here.