Interview: Letty Thomas and Archie Backhouse on STRATEGIC LOVE PLAY

Photo credit: Pamela Raith

Miriam Battye’s acclaimed Strategic Love Play has returned to Soho Theatre following its previously successful run, now playing in the Main House. This return engagement sees Letty Thomas and Archie Backhouse reprise their roles as Her and Him, the two characters meeting for the fateful date featured in the play. We spoke to the talented duo ahead of the show’s opening.

Please can you tell us what Strategic Love Play is about and a little about the characters you play. 

Archie: The play focuses on two people on their first date. They found each other on a dating app and are now in a pub together, what could go wrong? The play is about the pursuit of love in today’s society and how utterly draining and exhausting it can be. My character ‘Him’ appears to be a normal, easy going, sorted guy, saying the ‘right’ things, smiling and not revealing too much but as the play develops it’s clear that he - like her - needs something more.

Letty: The play is set in real time on a first date between two characters ‘Him’ and ‘Her’, but pretty soon it breaks into a world that no one involved is expecting. I play ‘Her’, a fantastically fast-witted and deeply wounded human who is hell bent on trying to undo the inane platitudes of our daily existence. 

This is the second time that the play is being shown at Soho Theatre. Why do you think audiences fell in love with the show the first time around? 

Archie: It’s an hour and 10 minutes long (which is always good!) but other than that, when we performed it last year, we had married couples in their 70s saying they identified with it as well as single people in their early 20s so I think people recognise the struggles and the hopes of the two characters.

Letty: I think Miriam’s [Battye] play is just GENIUS and her writing speaks for itself. You never know what the hell is going to come next and it’s a complete masterclass in wit, dialogue, pain and brilliance. 

What do you love so much about the show? What made you decide to return to perform it again?

Archie: Soho Theatre is a great theatre to work in. It’s always busy, has lovely staff and a fun bar so I was keen to head back and this time, it’s in the main house so that’s exciting. I think the journey of the play is something I love about it and keeps it as a challenge. My character surprises himself several times in the play and has to acknowledge the messiness in his life. 

Letty: I had so much fun doing this job last year. I love the character, I love the play, I love the venue- there’s very little not to love! The team behind it are so great, and Archie is an absolutely phenomenal actor to work with. I’m really looking forward to discovering a whole load more in playing it to so many new audiences. 

How important are fringe venues like Soho Theatre to the UK and global theatre scene? How can fans support them well?

Archie: Massively important. They show great work and give early opportunities to so many people within the arts. They’re often taking risks that aren’t seen in other bigger theatres, so what’s not to like? Get to Soho Theatre, there will be something on there that you like, trust me!

Letty: They are the centrepiece to new writing and work that is being made to take risks and ask vast questions rather than just put bums on seats. Soho Theatre is the absolute top of its game. I love being here, such a fantastically welcoming building- making raw and exquisite work. What a delight to be a part of it. 

You've both done a range of TV and stage work. What has been your career highlight to date, and what ambitions do you still have either individually or collectively?

Archie: That’s a difficult question… the audience reaction to this show last year was a real highlight for me. It’s lovely feeling like a play is connecting with lots of people. Also, Mark Thomas saw the show in Edinburgh last year and said he liked it (and he doesn’t mince his words!) so that’s a career highlight. I still feel pretty new to the industry so there’s lots I’d like to do - I wouldn’t know where to start. 

Letty: Working with Miriam on two+ of her shows now has been nothing less than a complete delight. The conversations between Scenes with Girls and Strategic Love Play are subtle and beautiful, and I feel so lucky to get to work with someone who speaks directly to the work I want to make and how I want to make it. Massive career highlight! My favourite part of a process is usually all the prep, research, rehearsals - where you really get to throw stuff at the wall. Trying to work out the map of the characters thoughts, all the juicy, nerdy stuff. More of that please!

What can audiences expect if they come along to see Strategic Love Play in this return production?

Archie: The play is as hilarious as it is tragic and Miriam Battye is such a smart and sharp writer that it feels like such a gift to be delivering her words each night. Whether you’re in or out the dating game, there will be plenty that you recognise, you’ll either be itching to line up that next date or breathing a big sigh of relief that you play Wordle each night rather than swiping. 

Letty: I’m loving working in the mainstage at Soho Theatre. The space and the venue lend so much to the play, which means the audiences do too, and that’s very unique to this place! It feels similar to when we opened at the Roundabout in Edinburgh, the audience really became a part of our show in an almost voyeuristic way, sometimes revealing almost as much in their response as our characters do onstage! It’s fun! Come and check it out for yourself!

Strategic Love Play continues its run at Soho Theatre until 15 June, with further info here.


Review: STRATEGIC LOVE PLAY, Soho Theatre


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