Interview: Jordan Shaw on playing Will Parker in OKLAHOMA! in Concert

Rodgers & Hammerstein’s OKLAHOMA! returns to its original West End home, Theatre Royal Drury Lane, next month for three concert performances. We spoke to Jordan Shaw who will be playing Will Parker in the upcoming shows.

Oklahoma! is over 80 years old - why do you think it has remained so popular over the years?

For me, Oklahoma! will always be a timeless classic. It beholds the key ingredients for a great musical: a strong storyline with a great balance between romance, humour and drama. The music is catchy, everyone has a favourite tune from the show. It’s a ‘feel good’ show which people could always do with, especially during times like we have now. And finally, there have been so many amazing revivals and adaptations of the show, it has continued to live on triumphantly.

What was your first encounter with Oklahoma? What made you want to perform in it?

I was 17 at The Brit School on the Musical Theatre course and it was one of our final year projects. I wanted to play Will Parker SO bad but it went to another kid – I was gutted. I was dancing so full out as one of the cowboys though! It definitely feels like a full circle moment getting the chance to perform this role at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane!

Tell us a bit about your character, Will Parker, and his role in the story.

Will Parker, along with Ado Annie, serve as a great balance between the more serious moments during the show. His primary goal is to earn enough money to marry Ado Annie and during this journey, we discover that he’s not very smart – which is pretty hilarious. His main number is ‘Kansas City’, which he excitedly recounts his experiences in the city. Overall, Will is loveable and enthusiastic and adds a fun charm to the show.

Which part of the show are you most looking forward to performing?

Definitely ‘Kansas City’, however, I have always adored the harmonies in the song ‘Oklahoma’, so I’m looking forward to singing that ensemble song.

What is it like to be working with such a great cast, and opposite the wonderful/hilarious Christina Bianco?

I definitely feel like a small fish amongst some incredible names, I’m looking forward to using the experience to learn from some talents that I have admired for years. I’ve seen Christina perform in her one woman cabaret show and I was absolutely blown away. She’s absolutely perfect for the role of Ado and I’m looking forward to what we find as a pairing.

You've performed in lots of classic musicals in your career so far. How do you approach them and bring your own interpretation to the characters you play?

I always approach a character as an ordinary human, despite what era they’re set in. There will always be variables to context, but I think that our basic needs as humans aren’t too dissimilar. I then focus on parts of the character that I can relate to, and I find compassion and understanding for the parts that aren’t like me. I find that if I lead with that, I’ll always find a version of the character that is uniquely portrayed.

What has been the highlight of your career to date? And what are some of your remaining career aspirations?

I feel like I’m just getting started! I have been really lucky to have some amazing experiences, but I can definitely say, singing in front of Audra McDonald for the Rodgers and Hammerstein 80th Anniversary concert and having her pull me aside and speak such lovely words about my voice, will always be a pinch me moment that I’ll cherish till the day I drop down. She is literally my idol, she’s the Beyonce of musical theatre! As far as remaining career aspirations… I’m dreaming of the day ‘Parade’ by Jason Robert Brown comes back to London – I NEED to play Jim Conley.

Why should audiences come and see this new concert version of Oklahoma? What makes it stand out?

It’s a celebration of Oklahoma! living in the hearts of musical theatre fans for 80 years, not many shows can hold that title. The music is absolutely breathtaking and to sit and listen to it with a huge 60 piece orchestra, honouring the work of Rodgers and Hammerstein – it will definitely be a night to remember. 

OKLAHOMA! in Concert plays at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane on 19 & 20 August, with further info here.


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