Interview: Amy Ross on playing Sophie in new musical THE GOOD ENOUGH MUMS CLUB

The premiere production of poignant and hilarious new musical, The Good Enough Mums Club, based on women’s own stories of motherhood, is soon to embark on an Autumn tour. During rehearsals, we spoke to Amy Ross who plays Sophie in the piece.

Please can you tell us what this new musical is about.

It tells the story of five very different women whose main common ground is motherhood. They meet 2 hours a week and get each other through the highs and lows of parenting and form a bond so strong, it cannot fail to move an audience.

What is it like to work on a show that very few people have seen before?

It’s lovely to get really creative in a rehearsal space and breathe energy and life into these women. As the show isn’t well-known yet, there aren’t any pre-conceived notions on the characters and we’ve all been allowed to bring our ideas to the roles and make them our own.

What drew you towards wanting to work on this show?

I love working on new material that is still evolving and not set in stone. It allows creative input which is always super exciting for an actor. As a mother myself, so much of this show is incredibly relatable and I wanted to be involved in telling these important stories.

How does rehearsing a new show compare to working on an already beloved musical?

It allows room for a little more creativity, and as I’ve seen no one play this role (Sophie) before, I can really just bounce off what’s written on the page and go with my instincts.

Is there a particular moment of the show you're looking forward to sharing with audiences?

I don’t want to give any spoilers! 😂 Mostly, I’m excited for the audience to go on this emotional rollercoaster with us all. The show has all the highs and all the lows - laughing one minute and crying the next. I think a lot of the audience will be Mums and will find the whole experience really cathartic.

This production is working hard to create a family friendly environment for those on and off stage, as well as those in the audiences. What is it like to work in that sort of environment that is so rare in the industry currently?

It’s a breath of fresh air and so important. Theatre, whether watching it or being involved in the making of it, should be accessible for everyone. We have baby and child friendly matinees, so that Mums who can’t get childcare can still come and see our show.

What can audiences expect from the show and why should they come along?

The audiences should come along and have a great night out that makes them laugh, cry, and celebrate all that it means to be a parent. We are extremely lucky to have an incredibly talented cast, a heartfelt story, and some great new songs that will have you humming your way out of the theatre!

The Good Enough Mums Club opens at Birmingham Hippodrome on 25 October before touring. For more information, please click here.


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