Interview: Jocasta Almgill, Aoife Clesham & Kayleigh McKnight on THE SECRET SOCIETY OF LEADING LADIES

Almgill, McKnight and Clesham

The Barn Theatre’s brand new innovative event, The Secret Society of Leading Ladies, opened last night to rave reviews. Directed by Ryan Carter, the concert focuses on the archetypes of female musical characters, ranging from princesses and dreamers to villains and divas, and allows viewers to be in the charge of the setlist.

We caught up with three of the leading ladies: Jocasta Almgill, Aoife Clesham and Kayleigh McKnight to talk about the Secret Society and what its like being part of such a groundbreaking event.

Firstly ladies, how are you doing, in this our third national lockdown? 

Kayleigh: I’ve found this one a little harder as the end hasn't been as clear. However, I've been working a lot on my music and things to try and keep busy so that’s been really helpful for me. 

Aoife: As well as anyone can! It’s helping that the days are getting brighter and longer. I think you’ve got to be kind to yourself and accept that it’s ok to have a bad day and reset again the next.

Jocasta: The third lockdown has been harder than the others but I feel confident that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that tunnel will end soon.

How does it feel to be part of the brand new digital format presented in The Secret Society of Leading Ladies?  

Kayleigh: It feels amazing. It's honestly one of the most incredible ways I've seen a concert/show being presented and I'm so excited for people to see it! It's truly going to change the way we do digital theatre.  

Jocasta: It’s so special to be a part of, especially because I know how amazing all of the other women are.

How did you find the filming process? 

Kayleigh: It was super safe and very efficient! It actually went really quickly because it was so well organised. But most of all, it was so lovely to be able to sing full voice, belting it out again!  

Aoife: So much fun! Ryan and the team were so good at following all government guidelines and providing a safe and supportive space. It felt so good to sing again! 

Who is your ultimate favourite female musical character and why? 

Kayleigh: I think Elphaba for me. I love how we see her find herself throughout the show, and obviously her songs are some of the best ever written!

Aoife: Oh gosh, that changes every day! So I guess today’s choice is Beverley from Come From Away because she’s not just an amazingly inspirational person written for the show, she actually exists and changed history! Plus, Rachel Tucker singing ‘Me and the Sky’… just take all of my money please! 

Jocasta: I have no idea because there's so many new shows being written. How can I possible choose?!

Princess or Villain?  

Kayleigh: Oh, ALWAYS villain! They've always got an amazing back story - HOW DID THEY GET TO BE SO EVIL AND BADASS?! 

Aoife: Agreed, villain. They get to have all the fun! 

Jocasta: A bit of both.

Dreamer or Diva? 

Kayleigh: Diva.... Always. 

Aoife: I wish I could be more of a diva sometimes but I think I’m in between dreamer and diva… DRIVA… I’m copyrighting that. 

Jocasta: Can I say a bit of both again?! 

Do you feel this innovative new type of event could form the start of future shows of its kind going forward?

Aoife: Absolutely. It’s so difficult to keep coming up with totally new ideas but this is such a fantastic way to draw people in and the reaction to its announcement shows that people really love this concept.

Jocasta: 100%. I think this is going to start a new type of theatre and it’s so exciting.

What was your overall experience like in creating The Secret Society of Leading Ladies

Aoife: Amazing. But also slightly sad because I wish the finale could have had all of us together living for each other’s belts, riffs and runs. Remember, we’ll all be tuning in to hear each other for the first time too! 

Jocasta: Just amazing and super fun!

How would you encourage audiences to book a ticket for this event?

Kayleigh: This is not a normal musical theatre concert. You can't just sit back and watch. You have the power to make your choices. But honestly, once you watch it the first time you'll want to go back and see the other characters because THE TALENT IN THIS CAST IS AMAZING. I’m truly honoured to be a part of it!  

The Secret Society of Leading Ladies is available to stream until 7 March and you can book tickets here.

You can also read our 5 star review of the event here.


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