West End Best Friend

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Interview: Actress Megan Carole on I LOVE YOU, YOU’RE PERFECT, NOW CHANGE at Old Joint Stock

Rehearsals have started today for I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change at Birmingham’s Old Joint Stock. We spoke to actress Megan Carole about the show and being a positive role model for young people.

You’re soon to appear in I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change in Birmingham. What attracted you to this project?

The finale song was actually the first ensemble song I learned at drama school, and I remember falling in love with the harmonies and lyrics. So when I saw that the show was casting, fates aligned and my agent had already submitted me for it! The audition day with the team was so great that I wanted it even more So I am extremely honoured to be a part of this show!

The story focuses on the perils and pitfalls of life, including first dates, marriage, children, etc. Do you have any funny first date stories from yourself or friends that wouldn’t feel out of place in a musical?

I think at some point during the show, every member of the audience will be able to relate to the characters. I’ve actually been with my boyfriend since I was 16 so unfortunately, no dating stories! However, I’ve had friends that have and let’s just say there was definitely a swift exit from a date through a bathroom break-turned-disappearance.

What’s your favourite song from the show, and do you get to perform it?

I’m going to be that person and say I LOVE THEM ALL! I really do! I get so play so many different characters and it’s so fun but if I had to pick one, it would be ‘A Stud & Babe’.

You’ve gained quite a following on social media. How does it feel to be a trusted voice for young people who are looking for positive influences in their lives?

It’s the most amazing feeling in the world. If only younger Megs had that growing up on social media and entering this industry as it can be so tough. I love trying to break stereotypes and social standards that we just don’t need to try be anyone else but ourselves. It really is such an amazing platform to have.

What would be your dream role to play in theatre?

Nancy in Oliver so I hope that one day I get to make that dream a reality.

I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change plays at the Old Joint Stock Theatre in Birmingham from 2-12 August, with further information here.