Interview: Actress Janice Landry on new musical FUN AT THE BEACH ROMP-BOMP-A-LOMP!!

Set to energetic parodies of iconic retro hits, Grease meets Squid Game in this brand new (sort-of) romp (bomp-a-lomp) of non-stop laughs, slapstick horror and explosive fun. We spoke to actress Janice Landry who will be performing in the world premiere of brand new musical Fun at the Beach Romp-Bomp-A-Lomp!! at Southwark Playhouse later this month.

This show sounds bonkers but fun! What is it about and who do you play?

It IS bonkers and I love it. It’s about a beach competition… and so much more. I play Chastity, and she’s exactly who you think she is.

How did you first get involved in this show?

I live in NYC and have known the writers, Martin [Landry] and Brandon [Lambert], for a long time. Martin also happens to be my husband! But he did not write any of the roles “for me” so to speak. I was as surprised as anyone when I read the role for the first time, and she fit me like a glove.

How does it feel to be making your London theatre debut?

It’s an absolute honour. The history of theatre in this city is mind-boggling, and I am thrilled to be part of it.

Besides this production, what is your career highlight to date?

I toured Japan for three months with Disney on Classic and the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra (playing Anna in Frozen). The combination of a dream role in a new culture is hard to beat.

What still remains on your bucket list that you'd like to work on or achieve in the future?

Ooh. I have a lot of things left on the bucket list… one is certainly to help Fun at the Beach Romp-Bomp-A-Lomp!! achieve world domination. That’s sort of an exaggeration… but I do believe in this show so much.

You're bringing your whole family including two toddlers with you to London. What is working in this industry like as a mother and how can mothers be supported well in this line of work?

I love this question! At one point in my life, I assumed that I’d have to stop this sort of work if I had kids. The way I work now (as a parent) has changed quite a bit, but I’ve found the balance of work and family to be incredibly rewarding. While it is certainly a challenge to be here with young kids, I’m so thankful to everyone making it possible. We have amazing family members traveling from the US to care for our kids - particularly my mother-in-law, Debbie. We are incredibly lucky!

Why should people make sure they see this show during its upcoming run at Southwark Playhouse?

It has everything I’m always looking for in a musical: catchy songs, vibrant characters, and a truly original story. Most importantly, it’s going to make you laugh!

Fun at the Beach Romp-Bomp-A-Lomp!! plays at Southwark Playhouse Borough from 24 May-22 June, with further info here.


Review: PEOPLE, PLACES AND THINGS, Trafalgar Theatre


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